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名称Sun StorEdge L5500 Tape Library
磁带驱动器类型9840A SCSI/FC,9840B FC,9840B FC,9840B FC,9940B,LTO SCSI/FC,LTO Gen II FC.
支持的驱动器数9840A SCSI/FC: Up to 68; 9840B FC: Up to 68; 9840C FC: Up to 68; 9840FC FC: Up to 68; 9940B: Up to 68; LTO SCSI/FC: Up to 80; LTO Gen II FC: Up to 80.
标准容量Tape cartridge capacity (native) 9840A SCSI/FC: 20 GB; 9840B FC: 20 GB; 9840C FC: 40 GB; 9840FC FC: n/a; 9940B: 200 GB; LTO SCSI/FC: 100 GB; LTO Gen II FC:200 GB. Library capacity (native) 9840A SCSI/FC: 110 TB; 9840B FC: 110 TB; 9840C FC: n/a; 9840FC FC: n/a; 9940B: n/a; LTO SCSI/FC: 550 TB; LTO Gen II FC:1010 TB.
数据传输速率9840A SCSI/FC: 9 MB/sec; 9840B FC: 19 MB/sec; 9840C FC: 30 MB/sec; 9840FC FC: 9 MB/sec; 9940B: 30 MB/sec; LTO SCSI/FC: 15 MB/sec; LTO Gen II FC:30 MB/sec.
产品尺寸高度 Library Storage Module: 234.9 厘米 (92.5 in); Library Control Unit: 161.3 厘米 (63.5 in).Library Management Unit: 94 厘米 (37 in); 宽度 Library Storage Module: 325 厘米 (128 in), diameter across flats of walls; Library Control Unit: 39.7 厘米 (15.6 in); Library Management Unit: 74 厘米 (29 in). 深度 Library Storage Module: n/a; Library Control Unit: 57.2 厘米 (22.5 in); Library Management Unit: 58 厘米 (23 in).
产品重量Library Storage Module: 2,249 千克 (5,200 磅), without cartridges - 3,810 千克 (8,400 磅), with cartridges; Library Control Unit: 136 千克 (300 磅); Library Management Unit: 113 千克 (250 磅).
SG-XMED9840-20 370-4032 SUN 9840 40GB Data Cartridges (Package of 20)
SG-XMED9840CL-5 370-4033 SUN 9840 Cleaning Cartridge (Package of 5)
SG-XMED9840-STRKIT 380-0316 SUN 9840 Media Starter Kit, includes 100 cartridges, 5 cleaning cartridges, and 100 barcode labels 000-000 to 000-200
SG-XMED9940CL-5 380-0807 SUN 9940B Cleaning Cartridge (Package of 5)
SG-XMEDLTO100GB-10 390-0087 SUN LTO 100GB Data Cartridge, for Gen 1 or Gen 2 LTO Drives
380-0530 SUN 9840 SCSI Tape Drive Assembly
380-0531 SUN 9840 Fibre Channel Tape Drive Assembly
SG-XL5500-9840BFC 380-0557 SUN L6000/L5500 9840B FC Tape Drive
SG-XL5500-9840CFCI 380-0926 SUN 9840C FC Tape Drive
SG-XL5500-9940BFCI 380-0805 SUN L5500 9940B Fibre Channel Tape Drive
SG-XL5500-LTO2FC-I 380-0833 SUN L5500 LTO Gen II FC Tape Drive
SG-XL5500-LTOFC 380-0661 SUN L5500 LTO FC Tape Drive
SG-XL5500-LTOS 380-0660 SUN L5500 LTO SCSI Tape Drive
370-2303 SUN Compact PCI (cPCI) Dual Channel FC
370-3722 SUN FC-AL Long Wave GBIC
370-7587 SUN HD68 LVD/SE Terminator, Amphenol 497040001 (not included)
375-0006 SUN Dual Differential Ultra/Wide SCSI (UDWIS/P)(HVD)
380-0643 SUN L5500 Library Base 1, LTO only (starting with 1500 active slots)
380-0645 SUN L5500 Library Base 2, LTO (2000 active slots) and 9840/9840B (3500 active slots)
380-0647 SUN L5500 Library Base 3, LTO (3500 active slots) and 9840/9840B (2000 active slots)
SG-130078-01 380-0666 SUN Short Wave GBIC for Silkworm 3800 Switch
SG-8912997403 380-0672 SUN Short Wave GBIC for 4250 Bridge
SG-8912998301 380-0671 SUN Short Wave GBIC for Silkworm 2800 Switch
SG-FCE-6460N 380-0665 SUN JNI 6460 PCI 2Gb Host Adapter
SG-SNFC426 380-0667 SUN 4250 FC/SCSI Bridge
SG-SNFCS44 380-0669 SUN Silkworm 2800 16 Port 1Gb Switch
SG-SNFCS48 380-0668 SUN Silkworm 3800 16 Port 2GB Switch
SG-XMAGDLT-MOD 380-0806 SUN 9940B Media
SG-XPCI1FC-JF2 375-3156 SUN JNI 2GB PCI Single FC Host Adapter
SG-XPCI1FC-QF2 375-3102 SUN 2GB PCI Single FC Network Adapter
SG-XPCI2FC-JF2 375-3157 SUN JNI 2GB PCI Dual FC Host Adapter
SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 375-3108 SUN 2GB PCI Dual FC Host Adapter
SG-XSW16-32P 540-4751 SUN Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-16
SG-XSW64-BASE 370-5790 SUN 64 Port Base Unit 2Gb FC Switch (32 ports included with base unit)
SG-XSW64-BLADE-8P 370-5847 SUN 8 Port 2Gb FC Blade (Add up to 4 to SG-XSW64-BASE to achieve 64 ports)
SG-XSWBRO12000-32P 370-5748 SUN Brocade Silkworm 12000 Switch with 32 Ports (FRUs)
SG-XSWBRO12000-64P 370-4749 SUN Brocade Silkworm 12000 Switch with 64 Ports (FRUs)
SG-XSWBRO12000-MOD 370-5449 SUN Brocade Silkworm 12000 16 Port FC Switch Module
SG-XSWBRO24K-32P 370-6820 SUN 16-Port Switch Module
SG-XSWBRO24K-32P 370-7046 SUN Brocade 24000 Director Switch with 32 Ports (FRUs)
SG-XSWBRO24K-MOD SUN Brocade 24000 Director 16-port FC Switching Blade
SG-XSWBRO24K-MOD 370-6820 SUN 16-Port Switch Module
SG-XSWBRO3200 370-5769 SUN Brocade Silkworm 3200 8 Port FC Switch
SG-XSWBRO3250 370-6824 SUN Brocade 3250 Value Line Switch with 8 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3250 370-7047 SUN Brocade 3250 Switch with 8 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3250VL2 370-6824 SUN Brocade 3250 Value Line Switch with 8 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3800 370-4949 SUN Brocade Silkworm 3800 16 Port FC Switch
SG-XSWBRO3850 370-6826 SUN Brocade 3850 Value Line Switch with 16 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3850 370-7048 SUN Brocade 3850 Switch with 16 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3850VL2 370-6826 SUN Brocade 3850 Value Line Switch with 16 Ports
SG-XSWBRO3900 370-6078 SUN Brocade Silkworm 3900 Switch with 32 ports
SG-XSWM6140-64P 370-6131 SUN McData Intrepid 6140 140-port Switch with 64 Ports active (FRUs)
SG-XSWM6140-RK64I 370-6133 SUN McData Intrepid 6140 140-port Switch with 64 ports active in a McData Fabricenter Rack (International power). (FRUs)
SG-XSWM6140-RK64P 370-6132 SUN McData Intrepid 6140 140-port Switch with 64 ports active in a McData Fabricenter Rack (US power). (FRUs)
SG-XSWMD4300-12P 370-6169 SUN McData Sphereon 4300 12-port Switch
SG-XSWMD4500-8P 370-6085 SUN McData Sphereon 4500 24-port Switch with 8 ports activated
SG-XSWMD4500-UPG SUN McData Sphereon 4500 8 port activation license key, activates 8 additional ports
X1065A 370-2443 SUN Differential Ultra/Wide SCSI Host Adapter (UDWIS/S) (HVD)
X6727A 375-3030 SUN PCI Dual FC Host Adapter+
X6746A 540-4372 SUN StorEdge Network FC Switch-8
X6748A 375-0118 SUN Compact PCI (cPCI) Dual Channel FC
X6749A 375-0119 SUN Dual Differential Ultra/Wide SCSI, (UDWIS/cPCI)(HVD)
X6757A 375-3048 SUN SBus Dual FC Network Adapter
X6767A 375-3102 SUN 2GB PCI Single FC Network Adapter
X6768A 375-3108 SUN 2GB PCI Dual FC Host Adapter
X6799A 375-3019 SUN PCI Single FC Host Adapter
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